The personal data collected will be processed by Forma Edizioni, with registered offices at Via della Fornace 18 – Florence, acting as Data Controller and Processor of your requests for information (such as information about exhibitions, artists and works of art) and of your subscription to the Rifugio Digitale newsletter.

If you have any questions about this privacy information, or wish to exercise your legal rights in that connection, please contact us via e-mail:

1. Data Controller

The data controller is Forma Edizioni S.r.l.

2. Purposes for which your data is processed

The personal data provided by the users will be used to enable them to visit the website and access the services it offers. Persons who specifically request to do so may register, by filling out the forms on the web pages specifically devoted to the service of their interest, after reading the information sheet and authorizing Forma Edizoni to process their personal data. Refusal to supply your data will make it impossible to obtain the services offered by the website.

3. Mode of data processing and security measures applied

Your personal data are processed with automatic and other tools only for the amount of time strictly necessary to fulfill the purpose for which they were collected. Specific security measures are applied to prevent the loss of data, illicit or improper uses and unauthorized accesses. The data provided voluntarily by the user by filling out the fields on the questionnaire are managed with SSL cryptography, which codes the data before they are exchanged via internet between the user’s processor and the Data Controller’s central system, so as to make them incomprehensible to unauthorized persons and ensuring in this way that the information conveyed will remain strictly confidential.
Employees of Forma Edizioni or outside collaborators assigned to services may come into contact with your personal data, as may other structures, inside or outside the company, engaged in consulting and support services on behalf of Forma Edizioni.
Data processing is done by personnel directly employed by the Data Controller and/or by physical or legal persons specifically identified by the company as responsible or authorized data processors.

4. Communication of data

In no case will the data supplied be the subject of any delivery or communication to third parties, except for communication:
– to those parties whose right to access the data is recognized by law or by order of the authorities;
– to those parties, inside or outside the company, engaged by the Data Controller to perform activities instrumental and/or accessory to management of the data collection and provision of the relative services and benefits, including the suppliers of software solutions, web applications and the like.
Those parties will use the data received as independent “data controllers” unless they have been appointed by Forma Edizioni to process data of their specific pertinence.
The newsletter is sent via electronic mail to those persons who explicitly request it, by filling out the forms on the web pages devoted to the service and authorizing the Data Controller to process their personal data.
The data connected with registration for the services offered by the website (the  “Services”) may also be communicated to companies that enable the Data Controller to provide the services in question to the user.

These companies:
• may also be based outside the European Union;
• will never make direct use of the personnel data communicated to them by the Data Controller;
• will not sell the personnel data communicated to them by the Data Controller to third parties.
Data will be communicated using methods that strictly comply with the regulations in force at the time.
By registering for the website Services, users acknowledges that they consent for the Data Controller to come into possession, through analysis of the data provided by the supplier of the service,  of the following information:
• number of times the mail relative to the newsletter is opened;
• number of clicks on links contained in the newsletter;
• failure to open the mail relative to the newsletter;
• forwarding of mail relative to the newsletter to e-mail address;
• cancellation of subscription;
• claims;
• possible use of the contents of the newsletter via Facebook.

5. Location of data processing

Processing of data connected with website services is done at the offices of Forma Edizioni and of the company appointed by the Data Controller to perform activities instrumental and/or accessory to the management of the data collected, or by third parties authorized by Forma Edizioni.
No personal data deriving from website services are published.

6. Types of data processed

Website search data
The information systems and software procedures dedicated to the operation of this website collect, during their normal operation, data whose transmission is implicit in the use of the communication protocols typical of the Internet.
The data in this case are not collected in order to be associated with identified data subjects, but by their nature could be processed and associated with data controlled by others so as to identify the users.
This category of data would include the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users who connect to the website, the addresses in IP notation of the resources requested, the time of the request, the method used in submitting the request to the server, the dimensions of the file obtained in reply, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful outcome, error, etc.) and other parameters relative to the operating system and information environment of the user.

Data provided voluntarily by the user
The optional, explicit and voluntary transmission of electronic mail to the addresses indicated in the specific sections of this website implies the subsequent acquisition of certain personal data and particular categories of personal data of the applicant which are entered in the forms necessary to respond to their requests.

7. Nature of provision of data

If the user intends to interact with the company through the website, the delivery of data is optional, but is a necessary and essential conditions for supplying the user with the information requested: failure to provide the data makes it impossible for the Data Controller to ensure a reply.

8. Rights of Data Subjects

Pursuant to the Privacy Code, Data Subjects have the right to access their data and, in particular to confirm, at any time, whether or not the data exist, their content, origin, and geographical location. They may also request a copy of the data.
Data Subjects have the right to verify the correctness of their data and request completion, updating, correction, limitation of use, deletion, transformation into anonymous format or blockage of data processed in violation of the law, and to oppose their processing in any case. In addition, Data Subjects may request portability of their data and file claims with the monitoring authority.

9. Period of custody of data

Forma Edizioni will hold the data until the Data Subject who has requested the service cancels the request.

10. How to exercise your rights

To exercise your rights as outlined in section 8, you can contact the Data Controller by sending an e-mail to the address
The Data Controller is required to respond within thirty days, but the term can be extended up to three months in case of particular complexity; in this case the Data Controller sends the Data Subject notice to that effect before the thirty-day terms expires.
The exercise of the rights is, generally speaking, free of charge; the Data Controller reserves the right to request a contribution in case of obviously groundless or excessive (even repetitive) demands, also in line of the instructions that should have been provided by the Privacy Guarantor.

11. Claims to the Privacy Guarantor

Data Subjects may file claims with the Privacy Guarantee Authority at the website

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