
Piero Percoco

March 30 to April 23 | Wed – Sun 11 a.m. – 7 p.m.

The exhibition Canicola by Piero Percoco, curated by Irene Alison and Paolo Cagnacci, is the fourth exhibition of the series dedicated by Rifugio Digitale to contemporary photography.

Born in Puglia in 1987, Percoco debuted on the international photographic scene through his Instagram account @therainbow_is_underestimated, the channel through which he continues to pursue his personal study. In his pictures, the concept of SuperNatural – the theme that runs through the exhibition cycle created by Irene Alison for the Rifugio Digitale – acquires the generous and carnal form of a physicality that bursts its seams, shows its age, yells and sweats, filling the entire frame and disregarding every rule or judgment.

The photographic work can be purchased on the Forma Edizioni website at the following link: SHOP OPERE

The NFTS of the videos on display can be purchased on the platform KnownOrigin at the following link: SHOP NFTS

Le opere fotografiche sono acquistabili in due formati sul sito di Forma Edizioni al seguente link: SHOP OPERE

È possibile acquistare gli NFT(s) di alcuni video selezionati dall’artista sul sito di Knownorigin:  SHOP NFTS

Cover: © Piero Percoco. Canicola.

Between the Coney Island of WeeGee, the suburban America of Stephen Shore and the southern liturgies of William Eggleston, Percoco’s Puglia loses its geographical borders to become a place of the soul, a place that, for the photographer, is at the same time “home” and unexplored territory.
Writing in his visual language through video and photography, Percoco constructs a world of lazy Sundays, of bellies and butts, of pasta and sauce and clothes hung out to dry, of ripe figs that appear like alien creatures with their disturbing sensuality, from whose bodies fruits and colors overflow, without filters or half measures, in all their brutal, lush naturalness.

Piero Percoco


My name is Piero Percoco, I was born in Bari and I live in a small town a few kilometers from there called Sannicandro di Bari.
I’ve been a photographer for more than 10 years, self-taught – I never attended any schools of photography. Cinema was an integral part of learning my trade. Ever since I was a little kid I love movies, and constantly watched science fiction films like Alien, Predator, Total Recall, 2001: a space odyssey and many, many more.
It all started on Instagram, where I posted pictures every day starting in 2012, ordinary scenes I caught using an iPhone. Over the years, it turned into a regular job, and I was contacted by a number of magazines, including the New Yorker, New York Times, the British Journal and also many brands that gave me orders for jobs. I’ve published three books of photographs, and my work has continued to evolve since then.

Portrait of the artist.




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