The exhibition cycle The Body I Live In

The body as a terrain of conflict and as a boundary for the assertion of identity. But also the body as the pivot around which we construct our relationship with space, as the physical presence with which we inhabit places and through which we build our relationships.

The Body I Live In, the third exhibition cycle dedicated by Rifugio Digitale to contemporary photography, will be an exploration of the body as a fundamental element of human existence — living matter that resists the virtualization of lives and creative processes. In line with the gallery’s DNA, it will maintain a constant focus on the dialogue between the “inside” (the intimate and introspective dimension) and the “outside” (the physical and emotional architectures we build).

The Body I Live In will also be a reflection on the body in its political dimension, as a tool of expression, a vehicle for pleasure, a battlefield on which to assert one’s rights, a territory whose freedom is redrawn through continuous negotiations with power, and a variable that cannot be defined outside of its complex intersections with the concepts of race and class.

What is “beautiful” and what is “ugly”? What is “normal” and what is “different”? What is masculine and what is feminine?

The artists in the exhibition will respond through images, sharing their irreverent, ironic, and unapologetic dissatisfaction with stereotypes and repressive classifications. Pleasure, desire, and beauty will become a malleable material, capable of taking on entirely new contours in their works and breaking the frame of socially acceptable representation.

The entire exhibition cycle is realized thanks to the collaboration between the Rifugio Digitale Association and Forma Edizioni.

Giulia Bersani

29.01 – 23.02.2025

«The body is a sensitive matter, a fertile land, a changing landscape. Giulia Bersani touches it with her gaze, without fear, without shame. Close, very close, inside the folds of the skin, in the scars, between the hairs, between the legs. These are bodies that pulse, pant, cry. Crossroads of desires and passions, fluid bodies made of fluids: sweat, blood, and saliva»

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Amici di Rifugio