A project of Lorella Zanardo e Cesare Cantù

Sept. 21 to 24 | Thu. – Sun. 11 a.m. – 7 p.m.



Lorella Zanardo
Human rights and social justice activist.
She is coauthor of the documentary The Women’s Body, viewed by millions on the web, and the book of the same name, which sparked important social reflection on issues of women’s representation in the media.
She chairs the New Eyes for the Media Association, an image and media education track attended by thousands of high school students.
A speaker, lecturer and writer, she is the author-director of the play “Screens” on the importance of media education as a tool for active citizenship. She was a member of the Study Commission at the Chamber for the drafting of the Internet Bill of Rights. A consultant on Diversity Mangement and Women’s Leadership, she has held senior positions in major international organizations. She serves on the Advisory Board of WIN, an international organization of professional women.
For her contributions to the advancement of women, she has received numerous awards: TIAW- World of Difference Award in Washington recognized the effectiveness of her actions for the cultural advancement of Women in her country.

Cesare Cantù
Author, lecturer and director. He has worked for television, advertising and in documentary filmmaking. A graduate in Philosophy, he has studied and deepened the main issues of film aesthetics and has been teaching Audiovisual Language and Media Theory and Technique for professional training since 2000.
Since 2009 he has been particularly involved in media education and has collaborated with Lorella Zanardo on the New Eyes for Media project: he coordinates it and has specially developed innovative learning techniques for digital citizenship.
He is the author of the media education manual for teachers Screens. If you know them you don’t avoid them, published by Franco Angeli.


After investigating the media’s use of women’s bodies through research culminating in the documentary The Women’s Body, with the Volto Manifesto project Lorella Zanardo has focused her attention on what most distinguishes us from one another, the face.

What will happen to the human face? The one that naturally has peculiarities and flaws, wrinkles and spots, the one that undergoes changes every day.

This is the question posed by Lorella Zanardo and Cesare Cantù, founding activists of New Eyes for Media and authors of the Volto Manifesto awareness campaign. An initiative that aims to enhance the uniqueness of the human face in the face of the homogenization of somatic features that is affecting young and old worldwide.

A scientific-cultural project by Nuovi Occhi per i Media, supported by Unicoop Firenze, which aims to create awareness of how important it is to preserve the uniqueness of the human face. The advent of social and new digital tools has in fact triggered the tendency to want to modify one’s face, to look more and more like standard and recurring canons.

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